Categoria: ANALÍTICA
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The GC-IMS-ODOR is a stand-alone instrument, which has been developed to precisely quantify the concentration of Gasodor®-S-Free®, THT or TBM in natural [...]
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The GC-IMS-SILOX is a stand-alone device to precisely quantify concentrations of the individual linear L2, L3, L4 and L5 same as the cyclic D3, D4, D5 and D6 [...]
O stand-alone plug-and-play IMS como módulo OEM permite um uso versátil ou acoplamento da tecnologia IMS em novos campos. Além da vantagem de preço em comparação [...]
Mais DetalhesGC-IMS
The Gas Chromatograph – Ion Mobility Spectrometer (GC-IMS) of G.A.S. combines the high selectivity of a Gas Chromatograph with the extraordinary sensitivity [...]
Mais DetalhesNWRimage
The first instrument designed for the single task of bio-imaging. Until now traditional laser ablation instruments were developed for a wide range of applications [...]
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