PE-0200 Polarisation of Light
Reflection of light on surfaces is afamiliar phenomenon of daily life. Therefore it is no surprise that the reflection law is one of the well known optical laws [...]
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Reflection of light on surfaces is afamiliar phenomenon of daily life. Therefore it is no surprise that the reflection law is one of the well known optical laws [...]
Mais DetalhesDouble Refraction and Malus’ Law A green laser pointer (3) is used as light source. In a first experiment the polarisation of the probe laser (3) is determined. [...]
Mais DetalhesThe Iodine Raman laser belongs to the class of molecular laser. However, the laser transition starts from the same level as the pump laser forming a so called Λ [...]
Mais DetalhesMolecular spectroscopy is one of the most important technologies to identify molecules in science, chemistry, biology and even in security applications. Precision [...]
Mais DetalhesDespite the existence of high precision satellite navigation (GPS) each transport vehicle which relies on navigation must have its own GPS independent navigation [...]
Mais DetalhesDue to the steadily increasing demand of the multimedia applications powerful RGB (red green blue) light sources came into the focus of industrial research. Along [...]
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