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+ 55 11 2839-3209
SUPORTE TÉCNICO 100% especializado


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Automated Second Harmonic Generator 515 nm Output selection by software Integrated into the system Rugged, industrial grade mechanical design

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Fluorescence Upconversion & Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting Spectrometer Straightforward operation Modular, customizable design Ample sample space to [...]

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Cylindrical Plano-convex Lenses BK7 Uncoated

CLB-P Cylindrical plano-convex lens has a convex curvature in the vertical direction and has no curvature in the horizontal direction. They are often used to [...]

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Femtosecond Lasers for Industry and Science 190 fs – 10 ps tunable pulse duration 2 mJ maximum pulse energy 20 W output power 1 kHz – 1 MHz tunable base [...]

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