Mounted High Surface Flatness Mirror

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+ 55 11 2839-3209
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Group Velocity Delay Compensation Plates

Calcite plates Different orientations for different GVD compensation Clear aperture Ø12 mm (up to Ø20 mm are available on request) Mounted in to 1″ ring [...]

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Narrow linewidth lasers Cobolt 08-01 Series Compact narrow linewidth lasers: 405 nm – 785 nm up to 500mW 405 nm, 532 nm, 561 nm &  785 nm up to [...]

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UVFS Laser Line Mirrors

Highly reflective mirrors (>99% reflectivity) Designed to work at 45° or 0° angle of incidence Made from UV grade fused silica For laser line mirrors made of [...]

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Cylindrical Plano-convex Lenses (Synthetic fused silica 10×10mm – 20×30mm)

CLSQ-P Cylindrical plano-convex lens has a convex curvature in the vertical direction and has no curvature in the horizontal direction. They are often used to [...]

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