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Features Very Low Noise Level Noise levels of a photo detector, but with the large bandwidth of a pyroelectric: Down to 5 nW when using the Analog Power Module [...]

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05-01 lasers DPSS Series

Lasers bombeados por diodo CW de alta frequência e frequência única: 355 nm – 1064 nm até 3 W 355 nm, 457 nm, 491 nm, 515 nm, 532 nm, 561 nm, 640 nm, 660 [...]

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Laser Line Mirrors

TFM These laser mirrors are designed for specific wavelength laser applications where low wavefront distortion, low scattering and high reflectivity are usually [...]

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PE-1000 CCD Camera & Night Vision

The principle of creating an image  through projection on a surface is known since ancient times. Aristotle observed images of the sun through holes generated by [...]

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