Gold Flat Mirrors

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+ 55 11 2839-3209
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High Energy OPCPA Systems Up to 45 mJ of output energy at 1 kHz Front end is based on field-proven PHAROS laser Passive CEP stabilization with a temperature [...]

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Silver Mirrors

TFAG Silver (Ag) coated mirrors have high reflectance over a broad range from visible to infrared wavelengths. Since it is coated with a protective layer on the [...]

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Topas Twins

Two Independently Tunable Optical Parametric Amplifiers Two independently tunable outputs with single white light seed Energy conversion into the parametric [...]

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LE-1000 Blue Diode pumped Pr:YLF Laser

Due to the steadily increasing demand of the multimedia applications powerful RGB (red green blue) light sources came into the focus of industrial research. Along [...]

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