Cobolt Mambo ™ 594nm

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+ 55 11 2839-3209
SUPORTE TÉCNICO 100% especializado


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Features Low Power Thermopile Noise level of a photo detector with the large bandwidth and high power capacity of a thermal device Minimal Thermal Drift Only 6 [...]

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0-45° Wide Angle Dielectric Mirrors

TFVM You can use the 0-45° Wide Angle Dielectric Mirrors for an optical system for reciprocating the light between two mirrors or Michelson interferometer, if you [...]

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PE-0600 Optical Interferometer

In 1881 Albert Michelson used an interferometer to successfully disprove the theory of a universal ether that existed till then. Later on, he determined the length [...]

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Features Modular Concept Increase the power capability of your detector: 2 different cooling modules Low Noise Level 2 µJ for the MB coating QED Attenuator [...]

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