Pronto – High Power

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Customizable Harmonics Generator for PHAROS, CARBIDE or FLINT. FEATURES 515 nm, 343 nm and 257 nm Easy switching between active harmonics Simultaneus outputs [...]

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Diode Pumped Lasers OPOs

SpitLight DPSS Compacto Pegada pequena para espaço limitado Custo moderado Tecnologia de diodo SpitLight DPSS 250 Potência média média (25W) Muito boa relação [...]

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UVFS Laser Line Mirrors

Highly reflective mirrors (>99% reflectivity) Designed to work at 45° or 0° angle of incidence Made from UV grade fused silica For laser line mirrors made of [...]

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Monitor Blu

FEATURES This new line of All-in-One detectors combine a detector and a meter with Bluetooth connectivity in one convenient product. The small but powerful meter [...]

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