Photonics/Produtos/Fotônica/Autocorrelators/Light Conversion/TIPA Single-Shot autocorrelator

TIPA Single-Shot autocorrelator

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+ 55 11 2839-3209
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Features Modular Concept Increase the power capability of your detector: 5 different cooling modules Very High Damage Threshold 100 kW/cm2 in average power [...]

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Achromatic Doublets (φ10 – φ25)

DLB Achromatic doublets are cemented achromats made of two different lenses (Low dispersion positive from crown glass and high dispersion negative from flint [...]

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Monitor M-LINK

FEATURES The Universal MeterReads ALL Heads: Power: Thermopiles, Photo Detectors and Pyroelectrics Energy: Thermopiles (in single shot mode), Photo Detectors [...]

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Low Cost Spherical lens BK7 Plano Convex

S-SLB-P This lower cost product offering of Plano Convex Lenses has only minimal reduction in quality and is perfect for most applications. It can be used in an [...]

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