High Precision Polished Aspheric Lenses

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+ 55 11 2839-3209
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Collinear Optical Parametric Amplifier 210 nm – 16000 nm tunable wavelenght Single pulse – 1 MHz repetition rate Up to 8 W pump power Up to 0.4 mJ pump energy (2 [...]

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FEATURES 515 nm, 343 nm and 257 nm Output selection by software Mounts directly on laser head and integrated into the system Rugged, industrial grade mechanical [...]

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High Energy OPCPA Systems Up to 45 mJ of output energy at 1 kHz Front end is based on field-proven PHAROS laser Passive CEP stabilization with a temperature [...]

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Features Relative Measurements from 0.1 to 30 THz Broadband, room temperature operation, easier to use and less expensive than a Golay cell Flat Spectral [...]

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