Fly-Eye Lenses

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Sub-ns Lasers

picolo / picolo MOPA * altas taxas de repetição * até 320 kW de potência de pico * 1064nm a 266nm MAGNA * energia de pulso de até 1 Joule * potência de pico de 2 [...]

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LE-1000 Blue Diode pumped Pr:YLF Laser

Due to the steadily increasing demand of the multimedia applications powerful RGB (red green blue) light sources came into the focus of industrial research. Along [...]

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PE-1400 Spectrometer

An optical spectrometer or simply spectrometer is an apparatus to record the intensity distribution as a function of the wavelength of a light source. Spectrometer [...]

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Beam Sampler

A beam sampler behaves like a plate beamsplitter, it has the ability to reflect approximately 5.2% of the total beam.

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