Topas Twins

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Aluminum Concave Mirror Substrates Protective Coated

TCA Coatings on all concave mirror substrate models are available. Pre-coated aluminum concave mirrors are available. These substrates are mainly used as the [...]

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Sub-ns Lasers

picolo / picolo MOPA * altas taxas de repetição * até 320 kW de potência de pico * 1064nm a 266nm MAGNA * energia de pulso de até 1 Joule * potência de pico de 2 [...]

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Femtosecond Yb Oscillators Sub-80 fs without any additional pulse compressor 75 nJ maximum pulse energy 6 W output power 76 MHz is standard Automated harmonic [...]

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Cylindrical Plano-convex Lenses (Synthetic fused silica 10×10mm – 20×30mm)

CLSQ-P Cylindrical plano-convex lens has a convex curvature in the vertical direction and has no curvature in the horizontal direction. They are often used to [...]

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