Cobolt Odin™Series

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+ 55 11 2839-3209
SUPORTE TÉCNICO 100% especializado


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Features Modular Concept Increase the power capability of your detector: 4 different cooling modules High Performance Fast Rise Time (1.3 sec) High Damage [...]

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Near Infrared Achromatic Lens

DL-PNIR By bonding two lenses with wavelength dispersion of different refractive index the resulting component will provide reduced spherical aberration and [...]

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Diode Pumped Lasers OPOs

SpitLight DPSS Compacto Pegada pequena para espaço limitado Custo moderado Tecnologia de diodo SpitLight DPSS 250 Potência média média (25W) Muito boa relação [...]

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Femtosecond Yb Oscillators Sub-80 fs without any additional pulse compressor 75 nJ maximum pulse energy 6 W output power 76 MHz is standard Automated harmonic [...]

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