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Cobolt Odin™Series

Lasers Mid-IR compactos e ajustáveis São lasers ultra-compactos, com fonte de mid-IR com base em temperatura ajustável no oscilador paramétrico ótico (OPO) e com [...]

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Features Modular Concept Increase the power capability of your detector: 2 different cooling modules Low Noise Level 10 µJ for the MB coating QED Attenuator [...]

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Negative Achromatic Lens

DL-NM It is achromatic lens having a negative focal length. By setting the concave one bonding two lenses wavelength dispersion of the refractive index is [...]

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PE-0800 Holography

In 1948 – before the era of lasers – Denis Gabor developed the transmission holography technique and took the first real holograms. For the invention of [...]

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