Orpheus HP

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+ 55 11 2839-3209
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Features Very Low Noise Level Noise levels of a photo detector, but with the large bandwidth of a pyroelectric: Down to 5 nW when using the Analog Power Module [...]

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Topas HR

High Repetition Rate Optical Parametric Amplifier Repetition rate up to 1 Mhz Pump energy up to 0.2 mJ Tuning range spanning from 290 nm to 2.6 μm, computer [...]

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Aspheric Condenser Lenses

AGL Aspheric condenser lens is a single lens for collection and condensing, which the radius of curvature of one side is changed according to the height from the [...]

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LE-1300 Iodine Raman Laser

The Iodine Raman laser belongs to the class of molecular laser. However, the laser transition starts from the same level as the pump laser forming a so called Λ [...]

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