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Cylindrical Plano-convex Lenses BK7 Uncoated

CLB-P Cylindrical plano-convex lens has a convex curvature in the vertical direction and has no curvature in the horizontal direction. They are often used to [...]

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CSCH Chromium cube half mirrors consist of two right angle prisms. One of them is coated with chromium (Cr) on the hypotenuse face. Half mirror divides input beam [...]

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Narrow Bandwidth Optical Parametric Amplifier 315 nm – 5000 nm tunable wavelenght 2 ps – 4 ps pulse duration < 15 cm-1 spectral width Single pulse – 50 kHz [...]

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PE-0300 Reflection and Transmission

Reflection of light on surfaces is a familiar phenomenon of daily life. Therefore it is no surprise that the reflection law is one of the well known optical laws [...]

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