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+ 55 11 2839-3209
SUPORTE TÉCNICO 100% especializado


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Narrow Bandwidth Optical Parametric Amplifier Converts femtosecond pulses to > 20 cm-1 bandwidth Pump energy up to 4 mJ Tuning range spanning from 240 nm to 10 [...]

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He-Topas prime

High Energy Optical Parametric Amplifier Pump energy up to 60 mJ Energy conversion into the parametric radiation 30 – 50 % Tuning range spanning from 189 nm to 20 [...]

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Features Modular Concept Increase the power capability of your detector: 4 different cooling modules High Peak Power Volume Absorber Perfect for high density [...]

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Topas HR

High Repetition Rate Optical Parametric Amplifier Repetition rate up to 1 Mhz Pump energy up to 0.2 mJ Tuning range spanning from 290 nm to 2.6 μm, computer [...]

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