Silver Mirrors

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06-01 Series Lasers

Lasers moduláveis plug ​​and & play: 405 nm – 975 nm até 400 mW Now with 24 months warranty and clean-up filters as standard! Plug and play [...]

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PE-0100 Double Refraction of Light

Double Refraction and Malus’ Law A green laser pointer (3) is used as light source. In a first experiment the polarisation of the probe laser (3) is determined. [...]

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Cylindrical Plano-convex Lenses (Synthetic fused silica 10×10mm – 20×30mm)

CLSQ-P Cylindrical plano-convex lens has a convex curvature in the vertical direction and has no curvature in the horizontal direction. They are often used to [...]

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PE-0300 Reflection and Transmission

Reflection of light on surfaces is a familiar phenomenon of daily life. Therefore it is no surprise that the reflection law is one of the well known optical laws [...]

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