Gold Flat Mirrors

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Cylindrical Plano-concave Lenses BK7 Coated IR1 633-1064nm

CLB-N-IR1 Cylindrical plano-concave lens has a concave curvature in the vertical direction and has no curvature in the horizontal direction. When used in [...]

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Off-the-Shelf Pump-Probe Spectrometer Straightforward operation Modular, customizable design Ample sample space to fit a cryostat or flow system LabView based [...]

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PE-0600 Optical Interferometer

In 1881 Albert Michelson used an interferometer to successfully disprove the theory of a universal ether that existed till then. Later on, he determined the length [...]

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Second Harmonic Bandwidth Compressor 515 nm 10 cm-1 output pulse bandwidth 30 % conversion efficiency Can be used to pump ORPHEUS-PS

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